Many people are of the opinion that business is business and that there is no place for feelings in the workplace. In other words, feelings are to be set aside at work.
But times are changing…
What if learning to make space for feelings in the workplace was the strategic advantage that propelled you and your company ahead of all of the rest of your competitors?
Gulp. Does this feel scary? Just stay with me for a moment…
Experience has shown me that teams who make space for feelings in the workplace are able to openly address difficult issues with one another. Interactions go more smoothly. These teams are able to collaboratively solve problems, resolve conflict and are more productive overall.
There are many advantages of being able to tap into feelings in the workplace. Our feelings essentially give us a roadmap as to what we need in that moment. They tell us when our needs aren’t being met. Our feelings help us to understand when there’s been a transgression of our needs.
This is true whether it’s applied to interaction with colleagues or clients. We’re able to solve problems and get to solutions much faster when we’re able to tap into our feelings to identify what isn’t working for us.
Now, tapping into feelings in the workplace does not mean that everyone is all of a sudden crying through every meeting. It’s not about opening the door to a free-for-all where work starts to feel like a constant therapy session.
However, it’s also not about keeping that door completely shut.
When we’re able to crack that door open just a bit and people are able to increase their awareness of their feelings within the workplace, we discover the foundation to communicating effectively with others. The more we’re able to do this, the more successful our business will be.
So what are you waiting for?
Now is the time to kick start that competitive advantage that making room for feelings in the workplace will deliver.
And if you find yourself needing support in doing so, you can check out the different workshops that I give to help teams develop the strategic communication skills needed to be able to focus on getting their work done instead of dealing with the drama that accumulates when people do not make room for feelings in the workplace:
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